
Today I decided that I wanna learn how to open up to people without having to worrying about being hurt, forgotten or used. I don’t always want to feel sad, but no matter how much I tell myself to be happy I can’t. I just can’t do it.

I don’t know how to really have fun and to just be myself, I wanna just have fun and be myself and not care what other people think, but I can’t.

to tell you the truth I hate myself as a person, I don’t feel like I will ever be good enough for anyone or anything and I hate that I hate myself, I hate that I don’t feel like I am good enough. I wanna love myself and I try I really do, but it’s not easy for me. it’s not easy when I feel so alone I mean I know my family is there for me, but sometimes that’s just not enough

I wanna change all of that someday and when that day comes then I will be happy, love myself, be more than good enough, I’ll have fun and love being myself….

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